Monday, October 26, 2009


If trees in the back weren't there you could see the wall and windows of my room, but... I happen to live on the other side of some trees.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Mug. Mushroom.

Not necessarily related but similar when I looked at them at the same time like this. The mushroom was in the yard and the pitcher/mug came from a thrift store. Nice.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Finding our balance

On Thursday Hayden and I got to spend the afternoon with the Cabatic kids!
Renee took us to a cool park in Philomath with lots of metal play equipment.

Pictures Here

Teeter totters:



My very favorite picture of the day!

And a very brief (possibly) sick-making video:

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Buddha, Buddha, Buddha DOG!

I grew up with my brother's dog named Gudrun who did not like having her picture taken at all. We have a lot of pictures of her tail, while she was walking away from the person with the camera. I think it might be the flash.
But now I live with ANOTHER beautiful dog named Buddha and he doesn't mind the camera at all!

(Buddha came to check on me twice while I was posting this<3)

Monday, October 5, 2009

My room at Diana's house

With it's five windows it does get chilly in the mornings, and there's only one electrical outlet. But with a cozy bed (big blanket of Hayden's, little space heater of Diana's) and my dresser that Linda Hessel helped me shop for and transport when I first arrived (/Ongoing art project), it's a very comfortable space for me and my many things. <3

Tall door to Hayden's room - Shorter door to porch

From Hayden's room:

From the porch:

P.S. Something that is very hard to photograph, and very hard to explain without pictures; The door to my room and the door to the basement, and back(yard) door is there by the landing.

Thursday, October 1, 2009